Social network/blog platform project still under construction
This project is still in development stage, not all features implemented. It is hosted in same hosting as my Personal Site. You can also check my Twitter account if interested. A valid account is required to be able to post here. Register first if you don't have one. An invite code is also required to complete the registration.
Development status
Newer posts Older posts4chan. Their policy about mass-blocking ip ranges. Total nonsense. Can't post w/o 4chan pass on my vpn. Apparently such ranges are too "abusive" so their justification is just block them w/o trying to actually verify it. And purchasing the pass is the pain in the ass too. A need for cryptocurency provider is just unjust :\
Small bug fixed in single post view. Finally it's a way less of problems to deal with in the world.
User settings page implemented, password can now finally be changed.
Generated invite codes are no longer stored in plain text, each code must be securely stored upon generation.
Anonymous posting can now be easily disabled along the other options, useful when registration is also disabled and/or invite-only.
Registration is now invite-only, invite code generation and verification works fine.
Disabled registration as most of features are not complete yet. Might enable later or set to be invite-only, with the latter feature not yet implemented as of this date.
Added site configuration script (setting up important configuration variables)
Added db setup script to generate correct contiguration file when database connection does not work.
Some improvements behind the scenes were done to the code of this site. Mainly bugfixes and management features not visible to regular users.
Bugs found, bugs fixed. Special cases of certain parameters are now handled correctly. Returns 404 instead of unexpected results where a 404 should be.
Auto-banning implementation improved. Now bans IP addresses generating too many 404 errors in short time. No unban by captcha yet, so don't get accidentally banned.
First auto-banning implementation using hidden link to bot trap. Bans all bots ignoring robots.txt, might reduce some spam.
IP Ban system implemented. Will be useful to ban spammers in the future. No auto-banning yet though.
Admin users can now edit / delete all posts. No more using of external database management tools for such a purposes. Minimizes hassle when dealing with spam posts.
Fixed a javascript bug in post form. Form is now correctly updated after changing post type while in mobile.
Post form now requires javascript. Might protect from some spam when other methods fails.