Social network/blog platform project still under construction
This project is still in development stage, not all features implemented. It is hosted in same hosting as my Personal Site. You can also check my Twitter account if interested. A valid account is required to be able to post here. Register first if you don't have one. An invite code is also required to complete the registration.
Development status
TODO Checklist
- Allow to block and/or hide users
- Flagging
- Tag blacklist
- Following blogs, show only followed on main page
- Likes & reblogs
- Post comments
- Activity/notification/etc page
- Blog & post rating (safe/unsafe/etc). Hiding of unsafe posts when logged out.
- Messaging
- Drafts/queue/etc
- Implement infinite scroll
To do next
In progress / partially implemented
- Formatting captions & text posts
- Searching the site, filtering search results
- Admin page
- Add paging system, limit count of posts shown in each page
- Settings page for the user
Already implemented
- Minimum functionality (displaying posts)
- Text posting with captcha, login implemented later
- Form not resent during refresh, post errors showing correctly after redirect
- New color scheme
- Highlighting known users, registration implemented later
- Image posts
- Log in
- Registration
- Minor bug fixes under the hood
- Post editing
- Tags
- Deleting posts
- Tag pages
- Post & blog pages
- Pagination (including bug fixes)
Posts by staff
Newer posts
Implemented tag pages. Special characters shown in tags are now escaped correctly while used in links.
Initial tag implementation completed. Also posts created by the same owner can now be deleted.
Fixed sql injection and xss in posts. No more strange bugs.
Fixed editing of text posts. Also tags are now displayed if present. Tag editing feature is not yet implemented at this time.
Registration and login works. Happy posting :) And le post editing is now implemented :D
This is working so far I guess :D, and login is working too :). No registration yet, can't edit posts either :\
Image uploading now works. Here's a neat image of unusual piano called Steinway Uninote.
Image post implementation is on the way.
Registered users are now highlighted, only implemented on database backend, no user registration possible.
New color theme, replacing default.
Refresh should not resend form data on page reload, also post errors display correctly if any exist.
First posting implementation. No user login/registration yet, user must type name and captcha, added simple styling for posts.
Minimal functionality implemented, no post form yet.
Newer posts